Thomas “Nik” Zakrzewski

(aka Blisshome)

I began exploring music and music production after retiring in 2015. My first soundscapes were done with Propellerhead Reason, but later soundscapes were done on an iPad Pro using various music apps, including BeatMaker 3 and Cubasis 3. Most recently I’ve added Logic Pro X and Reaper to my toolkit.

My favorite genres include:

  • Ambient/Soundscape
  • Experimental
  • Electronic Dance Music (aka EDM)

I don’t pretend to be an accomplished musician (yet), but I give it my best, and I keep climbing the learning curve. You can hear all my work on

Per-minute rate: $0

Who Will Join MemRemix Next?

We’re looking for musician-producers committed to MemRemix’s vision of creating unique, personalized soundscapes that faithfully transmusify the sounds of a client’s memories, using only the sounds provided by the client.

If you enjoy and are inspired by the “sample flipping” experiments of musician-producers like Andrew Huang and Alice Efe (aka “biskuwi”), you may be a good match for MemRemix.

If you are a ghost-producer who typically uses genre templates, off-the-shelf sounds and loops, or similar “non-unique” tools and approaches, you are probably not a good match.

Inspired by our vision and accept the creative challenge of our technical conditions?
Contact us.